But First, Build Trust with Andrew Schmidt: Season 1 Episode 5

“If you want it, and get right in the middle of it, you will learn it.” -Andrew Schmidt


Andrew runs a network marketing business with Plexus. He also manages his own business educating people about currency, assets, and investments. He runs these businesses from home. This gives him time to focus on his family and teach his kids about business as he works.

Andrew’s story is definitely not stereotypical. He’s been a pilot, a firefighter, a farmer, and an entrepreneur.

Here’s a link to  Andrew’s website:



Andrew was raised in Bolivia, South America, and got several years of elementary education there. But the majority of his learning as a child happened on the farm.

There was no option in Bolivia but to learn the skills you need. Farming is complex work filled with the need for many skill sets. Anytime someone with a new skill came to help with an issue, Andrew learned from that person. A key piece of his education was shadowing others who knew more about specific issues than he did.

When he chose to move to Canada because of his personal goals, Andrew had an issue. He only knew German and Spanish. He knew there was no way to continue his learning without English. So he taught himself the language.

In Canada, he had a hard time adjusting to the difference in learning. Here, people went to school to focus on one specific career. But Andrew’s education had involved building as many skill sets as possible.

However, his past experience came in handy when he got into aviation. Because of the trust he had built previously with others in the aviation sector, he was able to land a job in the flying industry.

“You can never learn enough to gain people’s trust.” The trust of other people is a greater credential than any degree or qualification.


Andrew seeks to build the groundwork for his kids to be able to launch their lives.

One important facet of this goal is surrounding himself and his family with people of numerous skill sets and ideas,  so they can learn directly from people with vast arrays of experience.

If parents spend time with high-quality people, their kids will naturally gravitate to high-quality connections as they build their own social capital.

Here are some tips on self-education per our conversation:

  • Be a trustworthy person.
  • Remember that there is more than one way to learn.
  • Immerse yourself into what’s in front of you.
  • Surround yourself with high-quality people.

This was the first episode I ever recorded with Educationeering. Andrew’s story was one of the ones that fueled the idea for this podcast.




Storytelling and Self-Education with Hannah Frankman: Season 1 Episode 3

This episode introduces Hannah Frankman, a fellow college opt-out. She’s a photographer, videographer, and writer who also spends time coaching other young people in their educational journeys. Continue reading Storytelling and Self-Education with Hannah Frankman: Season 1 Episode 3

Education and Individual Freedom with Isaac Morehouse: Season 1 Episode 2

Isaac Morehouse is the founder and CEO of Praxis. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of freedom. Through Praxis, he has opened up the path for other freedom-seekers.

Praxis is the combination of a 6-month boot camp and a 6-month apprenticeship. It gives young people the opportunity to build a career they love from the ground up. Plus, they complete this journey with the support of the Praxis advisors, a wonderful team of dedicated people who seek to mold the program to each individual’s needs. Continue reading Education and Individual Freedom with Isaac Morehouse: Season 1 Episode 2

My Story: Season 1 Episode 1

This episode is an intro to Educationeering.

In this episode, I share my education story. It’s different from most:

    • I never went to public school.
    • I attended a Mennonite School almost until the end of middle school.
    • Since then, I have been steadily growing toward a mindset of self-education.

Continue reading My Story: Season 1 Episode 1

Final Project Overview

Module 2 of the Praxis boot camp challenges each participant to complete a portfolio project. Projects are learning in action. Participants build new skills and showcase them through the projects they create.

My project was a podcast. Or in better terms, my project is a podcast. This venture will be the focus of the next six months of my life. As of today, I have completed four interviews. They will all be released during the month of April.

But I wanted more than just a podcast. I needed to show something at the end of the month for all my hard work. So I added a sales spin to the heart of my project.

What are the biggest things that many people in sales struggle with? What do many think when the word “sales” pops into their head? Cold calls. Cold emails. Reaching out directly to people about a product or service.

I decided to jump off a limb and run right into those issues that scare every person seeking a sales career. So I created a list of all my phone and email contacts. The ones I could call, I did. Otherwise, I sent them emails.

In the emails I sent, I pitched my podcast. I tried to develop an approach that would reach each individual on a personal level. For some, I spent considerable time detailing the idea behind the podcast. For others, I created a conversation surrounding other events in their lives. I focused on connecting directly to the person behind the email I was sending. Then I asked to add their email address to my mailing list.

I found that it takes a large amount of time to create an email that is personalized. The 50 emails I sent during the month of February took an average of 15 minutes of my time apiece. Out of the 50, I got 20 positive answers. Only 1 who answered declined the offer of being added to my mailing list. (However, he was a perfect candidate to interview, so I benefited from the email either way.) The other 29 simply did not answer.

Maybe those people felt bad telling me that they didn’t want to join one more list. Maybe they thought my email was spam. Regardless, I developed a new desire to be competent and quick with my email communication. I appreciated the one “no” I got more than the emails that never got a reply.

I also made 30 cold calls over the course of the month. 14 of those 30 calls were never answered. I left voicemails and sent texts to the numbers I didn’t get through to. Out of the other 16 calls, I only got a negative answer from 1. I successfully added the other 15 people to my email list.

When averaging the amount of time I spent calling phones and typing emails, the end result was 25-30 minutes of time spent on each email added to my list. Maybe if I was older and busier this project would have taken too much time. For many people, the cost would have been too high per email to be considered worth the time. But for me, it was so, so worth it.

  • I introduced my podcast to 80 people.
  • I became comfortable with cold calls.
  • I learned to streamline an email process while keeping each email personal.
  • I increased my network by spending time connecting with people I haven’t talked to in awhile.
  • I built an email list of 35 people (and counting).

To a teenager who is passionate about teaching people and learning, and whose goal is to build relationships, every minute was worth it.

My Time is Now

Month 2 of the Praxis bootcamp is focused on building a portfolio project. I love this module: it falls perfectly into my education ideal of project-based learning. My project is a podcast, focused on education. Read my previous project update here.

A key part of my project experience is focused on the marketing and sales aspect of the podcast.

Continue reading My Time is Now

But What If It Scares Me?

The book Go for No introduced a beautiful concept to me: Your comfort zone is not a static entity. It is constantly expanding or contracting.

That’s why it makes sense to do something that scares you every day. Push those limits of your comfort zone.

That’s why I’m starting a podcast. Does it scare me to make a commitment that large? Absolutely. Do I know everything about podcasting? Absolutely not. But that’s the fun in the journey, right?

I’m expanding my comfort zone. Here’s the ways starting a podcast will push my limits every day:

  • Audio Editing: What makes content pleasing to the ear? How can I maximize the time I spend editing?
  • Interviewing Skills: What makes a conversation flow? How do I bring out the best in each person I interview?
  • Technology: How much can I learn about the stats, the ins and outs, the background that makes each episode come together?
  • Relationships: How can I create healthy, strong connections by holding fun conversations with people?
  • Goal Setting: Can I make a schedule and stick to it over a long period of time? What is the best way to optimize my performance and make the most progress?
  • Education: What can I learn from each person I connect with?

Sure, it scares me! But that only makes me want to pursue it more. On to the next adventure!