Just Do It

It’s interesting to me how much difference it makes just getting one thing done.

I had been pushing off the nitty-gritty aspects of my podcast, spending time instead focused on emails and interviews. I’m proud of what I did there, but there are still things that need to get done. Things that don’t come as easily as interviews and emails.

I need to create my MailChimp list, and have the first template ready for the release on April 1. I have to finish editing the audio for at least three episodes. I have to record the first episode for the podcast, explaining my view on education and giving helpful resources that listeners can come back to. I need to get the webpage up for the podcast, and put together a good Facebook page.

None of these things are hard in themselves. None of them take very much time when it comes down to it. But somehow, in my mind, those things got pushed to the back. Somehow I made these actions feel like a big deal.

Today, I recorded the intro for my podcast. Simple step. I added it to the intro music that Lucas Doherty, a fellow Praxian, recorded for me. I now have an MP3 file of the intro ready to go.

Just getting that one little thing done was wonderful for my perspective. Now, it doesn’t look as hard to finish the rest. Now, I know that I can complete my project by the date I set for myself. All it took was taking the first step and getting to work.

Feeling unmotivated or stressed about a project? Here’s my tip: break it down into small parts that you feel you can complete. Then, as Nike advises, Just do it.



From Mennonite Kid to Self-Educator

I have always enjoyed learning. Many kids hated school; I loved every minute. However, I never went to a traditional public school. The first six years of my life were spent in a small private school in association with the Mennonite church my father was a pastor of. Continue reading From Mennonite Kid to Self-Educator

It’s All in the Name

I google myself randomly, often. I want to be kept up to date with what comes up when people search for me.

Today, I realized something. I have an edge on the blade of search engine optimization. Nobody else has my name. At least, I haven’t seen any other “Lolita Allgyer” pop up on a Google search. Continue reading It’s All in the Name

Success Through Failure?

It was the end of a Mock Trial that I completed in my Sophomore year of high school. Both teams were waiting breathlessly for the judge to give the verdict and closing remarks. As defense attorney, I was extremely nervous, considering that my client, one of my close friends, was charged with murdering her husband. I recognized that it was a close battle, understood that we had made some major mistakes, but held on to the tiny chance I knew we had. Then the moment came. The verdict was spoken. Continue reading Success Through Failure?