Project Update: 2/19/18

What does it take to start a podcast? I’m finding out, step by step.  

It started with an idea.

I’ve been mulling about the need for young people to realize that there are alternatives to four years in a college. There are hundreds of young, passionate individuals out there that don’t know exactly what they want to do with their life yet but are forcing themselves to spend half a decade of precious time in an institution simply because that’s what everyone is supposed to to do succeed.

I am convinced there is another way. And I know I’m not the only one. I started considering all the people I have met in my life that are living successfully without college. People like Derek Magill, who lives a dream life traveling, marketing, freelancing, speaking, and being generally awesome.

Then I thought about the living, breathing people who have harnessed the very idea I am pursuing. People like Isaac Morehousefounder of Praxis. Praxis takes young people through an intense professional bootcamp and lands them in a paid apprenticeship.

I wanted young people to hear directly from those who have navigated new paths of education. I realized that I am intensely passionate about self-education, and I want to communicate that passion for learning to others.

So I decided I was going to do a short video series of interviews with people whose education perspective I appreciated. It wasn’t going to be a long term project; I just wanted to get other people to think outside the box of the traditional school system.

In an advising session with Hannah Frankman, she challenged me to turn the idea into a podcast. To be honest, I had never thought of the idea before. I said, “Why not?” and here I am, doing interviews with cool people and navigating the world of audio editing, storytelling, and conversations.

So far I have interviewed a college dropout, the founder of a successful education startup, an investor who had only a 5th grade education, and a Native American who has fought for individuals within the public school system. My goal is to create conversation around education that challenges people to think about school in a different way.

I have a lot to learn. I’m working my way up; I have to fight the part of me that wants everything to be perfect and just hit the ground running. If I set the groundwork now, I can and will consistently grow from here.

Educationeering launches on April 1, 2018 (no pun intended). I’ll see you then! 

Email me if you have insight on podcasting or great ideas of people to interview! Feel free to reach out; I love to brainstorm with othr people:

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash