Education and Individual Freedom with Isaac Morehouse: Season 1 Episode 2

Isaac Morehouse is the founder and CEO of Praxis. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of freedom. Through Praxis, he has opened up the path for other freedom-seekers.

Praxis is the combination of a 6-month boot camp and a 6-month apprenticeship. It gives young people the opportunity to build a career they love from the ground up. Plus, they complete this journey with the support of the Praxis advisors, a wonderful team of dedicated people who seek to mold the program to each individual’s needs.

Watch on Youtube here.

Here is a link to Isaac’s personal website.


What is education?

Education = Mental Transformation

Theorizing about something you want to know is not the way to learn it. Isaac brings up the example of learning to ride a bike. You didn’t have to spend years learning the parts of a bike and reading about it to build the skill. Instead, you get out there and learn by practicing over and over again.

Though it might not seem quite so simple when it comes to education in general, Isaac’s idea is that you should have 2 : 1 practice : theory ratio.

“The ability to get lost in something, and obsess over something, and master something, I think is the most transferrable skill imaginable.” -Isaac Morehouse 


Unschooling (9:30)

The best motivation to learn something comes from curiosity. In addition, kids have the natural drive to learn much of what they need in life.

When children love what they are learning, they retain much more of what they study.

People in general also place more value on a skill they have gained for themselves. This is a key idea in unschooling philosophy.

Praxis (21:00)

Isaac’s ideas for Praxis began in college, when he realized that all he was paying for in college was a piece of paper that said he was as good as the average college student. Since then, these ideas have evolved into the boot camp in place today.

Apprenticeships have been around for years, but not like this. If you listen to nothing else, check out this section of the episode. It’s a beautiful story that has turned into an amazing business!

Here’s Ryan Matlock’s video that introduced me to Praxis.