My Time is Now

Month 2 of the Praxis bootcamp is focused on building a portfolio project. I love this module: it falls perfectly into my education ideal of project-based learning. My project is a podcast, focused on education. Read my previous project update here.

A key part of my project experience is focused on the marketing and sales aspect of the podcast.

Continue reading My Time is Now

Learning By Teaching: The Cycle of Education

Being raised in a large family, I am accustomed to the constant fuel of creativity, the continual exchange of new ideas. There is always a new project to compete in. The next breakthrough research is always just around the corner. The learning process never stops.

There is a key concept that naturally comes to life in a family of vast age differences: the best way to ingrain any piece of knowledge into your head is to pass on that information to another individual.

For hundreds of years, this was an expected cycle of learning. One learnt the information, reviewed it, formed his opinion of it, debated it, and taught another what he knew. (Socratic dialogue, anybody?)

It has only been in recent years that we have lost the concept of the cycle of learning. Teaching is reserved only for those who are so-called “experts” in a field. Everyone else keeps quiet and lets the experts do their thing, successfully cutting off the life of education by smothering conversation.

How would humanity change if each individual recognized the benefits of using the knowledge he has, no matter how small, to impact other people?

What if you sat down and wrote a short essay on every new concept you gained? Or if you found one person every day to question about an idea you have about the world? What if the cycle of learning could be refueled by those who are passionate about true education?

I challenge you: Teach someone something today. Build relationships. Pass on information. Create dialogue and healthy conversation. Encourage questions. Explore. Create. And watch the world begin to flourish around you. Life can only be complete when education flows through its intended cycle.