My Top Three Skills

Anybody can say they have drive. Many people claim the skill of communication. Anyone can talk about how great it is to build relationships. But these ideas only come alive when they are molded and grown in the life of an individual. I believe no one has the same combination of innate skills that I do, and I intend to develop as a person in order to change the world using the skills I have been given. Here are my top three skills, showcased in their uniqueness to me.

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What I Learned: Photography

As a part-time job in my junior year of high school, I worked for a local photography business. My job was mainly centered around the bustle of school portraits.

We would wake up at 4:30 AMĀ  just to be at a school by 6:00 to set up. By 6:30 we would be full steam ahead shooting portraits of teachers and staff. Continue reading What I Learned: Photography