The Grand Finale: Praxis

Praxis was in the news. Again.

About a year ago, Tucker Carlson featured Isaac Morehouse, founder and CEO of Praxis, on his show. (Here’s the first interview)

This month, Carlson ran a segment called “Is College Worth It?” 


In the first couple videos, he lays out the issues surrounding college today:

  1. Is College Still Worth It?
  2. Affirmative Action, College, and Unintended Consequences
  3. Are Our Colleges Leaving Our Kids Ill-Prepared?


The grand finale to the series was tonight’s interview with Isaac Morehouse. It was timely: Carlson’s first videos summed up the problems with college, and the finale provided a solution to the issues he brought up. Continue reading The Grand Finale: Praxis

Education and Individual Freedom with Isaac Morehouse: Season 1 Episode 2

Isaac Morehouse is the founder and CEO of Praxis. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of freedom. Through Praxis, he has opened up the path for other freedom-seekers.

Praxis is the combination of a 6-month boot camp and a 6-month apprenticeship. It gives young people the opportunity to build a career they love from the ground up. Plus, they complete this journey with the support of the Praxis advisors, a wonderful team of dedicated people who seek to mold the program to each individual’s needs. Continue reading Education and Individual Freedom with Isaac Morehouse: Season 1 Episode 2