Day 6: My First Week at a Praxis Apprenticeship

Work Copied: Pride and Prejudice Chapter 7

I have one day left in my first week at Discover Praxis, an apprenticeship program for young people that offers an alternative to college.

I am the 10th employee, and the youngest on the team. This week has been the most fast-paced learning experience of my life, as I integrate onto the team, learn the ins and outs of marketing, and explore some sales and customer service aspects as well.

It is highly in my advantage that I am already passionate about the product Praxis offers. The work that I did while originally researching the program is paying off as I fill in the gaps with customer service and social media marketing.

I’m coming to the conclusion that every young person should work in a startup as part of their education. Notice that I said “startup”. The experience is just not the same at an established company.

At a young, flourishing, fast-growing company, apprentices have the opportunity to have a direct impact on the future of a company. This is not impossible at a large corporation; but more often than not, the big guys are the ones that make the big decisions, and the lesser men are left under the rug.

Another advantage to working in a startup is the fact that young ideas are not only appreciated, but needed and used. There’s nothing that grows an apprentice more than to see an idea come to life with the work of a team.

In a startup, young adults get the chance to explore every area of a business. In a large company, everyone tends to stay in his own department.

It’s fun and invigorating to have a direct impact on the growth of something big. It’s also hard work, but that’s what makes it fun. Here’s to the next weeks and months of my apprenticeship!

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Day 4: the Apprentice Mindset

Work Copied: Pride and Prejudice Chapter 5

There’s always room for improvement.

I feel that deeply, having just started apprenticing at a startup. When you are young in a trade, you pull information from those around you constantly. You listen closely, seeking for nuggets in every conversation.

This apprentice mindset is like a greenhouse for professional growth. That’s why you see young people quickly rise from being relatively unskilled to carrying themselves confidently in the workplace.

I feel like many people lose this apprentice mindset somewhere in life. Man hits a point in his life where he feels he has reached the summit of his career or life. He forgets the sheer passion of his youth, the driving force behind his growth. He wipes away the memories of his clumsiness, and loses the curiosity he once had for the world.

I’m writing this because I don’t want to ever become that. No matter what happens in life, I don’t want to lose the apprentice mindset.

This is my commitment: to never lose curiosity for the things I don’t know; to always listen with the intense desire to gain what I can; to give myself wholeheartedly to the next adventure.

Photo by Peter Hershey on Unsplash


The Grand Finale: Praxis

Praxis was in the news. Again.

About a year ago, Tucker Carlson featured Isaac Morehouse, founder and CEO of Praxis, on his show. (Here’s the first interview)

This month, Carlson ran a segment called “Is College Worth It?” 


In the first couple videos, he lays out the issues surrounding college today:

  1. Is College Still Worth It?
  2. Affirmative Action, College, and Unintended Consequences
  3. Are Our Colleges Leaving Our Kids Ill-Prepared?


The grand finale to the series was tonight’s interview with Isaac Morehouse. It was timely: Carlson’s first videos summed up the problems with college, and the finale provided a solution to the issues he brought up. Continue reading The Grand Finale: Praxis