But What If It Scares Me?

The book Go for No introduced a beautiful concept to me: Your comfort zone is not a static entity. It is constantly expanding or contracting.

That’s why it makes sense to do something that scares you every day. Push those limits of your comfort zone.

That’s why I’m starting a podcast. Does it scare me to make a commitment that large? Absolutely. Do I know everything about podcasting? Absolutely not. But that’s the fun in the journey, right?

I’m expanding my comfort zone. Here’s the ways starting a podcast will push my limits every day:

  • Audio Editing: What makes content pleasing to the ear? How can I maximize the time I spend editing?
  • Interviewing Skills: What makes a conversation flow? How do I bring out the best in each person I interview?
  • Technology: How much can I learn about the stats, the ins and outs, the background that makes each episode come together?
  • Relationships: How can I create healthy, strong connections by holding fun conversations with people?
  • Goal Setting: Can I make a schedule and stick to it over a long period of time? What is the best way to optimize my performance and make the most progress?
  • Education: What can I learn from each person I connect with?

Sure, it scares me! But that only makes me want to pursue it more. On to the next adventure!

My Top Three Skills

Anybody can say they have drive. Many people claim the skill of communication. Anyone can talk about how great it is to build relationships. But these ideas only come alive when they are molded and grown in the life of an individual. I believe no one has the same combination of innate skills that I do, and I intend to develop as a person in order to change the world using the skills I have been given. Here are my top three skills, showcased in their uniqueness to me.

Continue reading My Top Three Skills

Gifts vs. Giving

I love gifts. But those that mean the most are heartfelt presents: the ones that have specific intent or special symbolism. I don’t appreciate gifts based on the amount of money spent on them. Actually, getting a bargain on a present makes it extra special to me. And I will flip if I know the present was hand made. I LOVE presents crafted by the person who gives them to me.

Continue reading Gifts vs. Giving

Success Through Failure?

It was the end of a Mock Trial that I completed in my Sophomore year of high school. Both teams were waiting breathlessly for the judge to give the verdict and closing remarks. As defense attorney, I was extremely nervous, considering that my client, one of my close friends, was charged with murdering her husband. I recognized that it was a close battle, understood that we had made some major mistakes, but held on to the tiny chance I knew we had. Then the moment came. The verdict was spoken. Continue reading Success Through Failure?