Intro to Montessori Schooling with Elisa Serrano: Season 1 Episode 8

Elisa Serrano worked in a Montessori school for three years. Today she joins me on Educationeering to talk about her experience, as well as the theory behind the Montessori method.

Continue reading Intro to Montessori Schooling with Elisa Serrano: Season 1 Episode 8

Day 2: Introductions ft. Pride and Prejudice

“The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon [Mr. Bingley] would return Mr. Bennet’s visit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner.”

Work Copied: Pride and Prejudice Chapters 2 & 3 Continue reading Day 2: Introductions ft. Pride and Prejudice

Day 1: The Genius of Jane Austen

“Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.” -Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 1 Continue reading Day 1: The Genius of Jane Austen

Personal Development Project: May

Humans learn best by imitation.

This is evident by the way babies learn. They copy everyone around them. Quickly, they learn to walk and talk: all by watching others do the same.

Using this concept to learn can help you master a new skill quickly. The best pianists, for example, are able to play their instrument in the style of hundreds of different musicians and genres.

Besides, if you imitate the best, you will begin to be like the best.

I want to try this concept out to stretch my writing skills. For thirty days, I will be spending time copying great writers.  I will be emulating the writing of Mark Twain and Jane Austen, two of my favorite authors. 

Both Austen and Twain have a satirical, descriptive way of writing that endears me to them. This is something I want to incorporate in my style, and I’m curious if copying their work will have any effect.

I will then write my daily blog post. Hopefully, after spending time in the mind of a great author, I will start to take on some of that writer’s style.

For half an hour each day (except Sundays when I release a podcast episode) I will type out either Twain’s or Austen’s writing.

My chosen books are Pride and Prejudice and Roughing It.

Here’s to writing! Keep a look out for the daily blogs.

The Grand Finale: Praxis

Praxis was in the news. Again.

About a year ago, Tucker Carlson featured Isaac Morehouse, founder and CEO of Praxis, on his show. (Here’s the first interview)

This month, Carlson ran a segment called “Is College Worth It?” 


In the first couple videos, he lays out the issues surrounding college today:

  1. Is College Still Worth It?
  2. Affirmative Action, College, and Unintended Consequences
  3. Are Our Colleges Leaving Our Kids Ill-Prepared?


The grand finale to the series was tonight’s interview with Isaac Morehouse. It was timely: Carlson’s first videos summed up the problems with college, and the finale provided a solution to the issues he brought up. Continue reading The Grand Finale: Praxis