Day 2: Introductions ft. Pride and Prejudice

“The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon [Mr. Bingley] would return Mr. Bennet’s visit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner.”

Work Copied: Pride and Prejudice Chapters 2 & 3 Continue reading Day 2: Introductions ft. Pride and Prejudice

Recalled to Life? A Commentary on A Tale of Two Cities

What is life? Scientists define the four characteristics of life as the ability to reproduce, the presence of DNA, the strength to extract/ convert energy into a useful substance, and the capacity to sense and respond to changes in surroundings. Merriam-Webster maintains that life is”the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual”. Neither of these definitions encompass the full meaning of life when referring to the human being, a spiritual creature. Life is not simply physical existence. In fact, no human answer can fully define the word. Philosophers, scientists, all of humanity have tried in vain for years to put “life” in a box; to make it a tangible, understandable substance. Continue reading Recalled to Life? A Commentary on A Tale of Two Cities