You are Only Young Once

Everyone puts pressure on the young adult.

Go to college. Nail down your career choice. Get your life together.

While these people mean well, and there is always good advice to be gained from those ahead of you in life, sometimes it’s healthy to take a step away from the traditional ideas and assess your life.

My friend Lydia Hodgson wrote a challenging quote awhile back:

“Do not underestimate the value of your own time, or the value of opportunities other than university.”

This is from her blog post where she encourages young people to take a gap year to simply live and learn without the traditional pressure of school and career.

It’s an interesting thought: consider your time now. You only have one youth.  This time is but a drop in a bucket compared to your entire lifespan.

Breathe. It doesn’t all have to be figured out today. You don’t need to plan your entire life now.

Follow your goals, be passionate, but don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of decisions there are today.

It’s surprising how much of life will come to you if you only let it.