Time is Key

When I was young, my mom taught me to count to 10 before I reacted to anything that aroused extreme emotion in me.

This has been extremely useful in my relationships. Even 10 seconds of thought and conscious breathing can change your perspective drastically.

So when I read Give it Five Minutes by Jason Fried, the concept hit home quickly.

What if everyone consciously took time to think before they acted? We are told to consider our actions, but no one takes the time to consider.

Make a note to count to 10, especially in the moments when you feel most like you have to lash out.

Give it 5 minutes, when you feel the need to defend yourself or criticize another.

The mere act of stepping back for a short period of time can revolutionize your perspective. Give it 10 seconds, and a cutting remark makes little sense. After 5 minutes, hasty criticism doesn’t seem so important anymore.

Make choices that will impact you and others positively in the long run. An argument won is never worth a relationship dissolved.