Musings: Now

I’m awed tonight by the beauty in the simple things. Motivation for the future can never take away the sheer joy of the moment for me. And in the times when I feel pressured to figure life out, I take a step back and just breathe.

Nothing matches the glory of firelight as it dims away, leaving a sky full of stars to be explored.

Nothing can replace the sweetness of feeling the heartbeat of someone you love.

There is nothing comparable to the joy of watching a new concept light up the eyes of a child.

No striving can match the feeling of a beautiful piece of music that speaks to your soul.

Here’s a challenge: forget about the notifications for an hour. Forget about the emails, the stress, and your worries about the future.

Take a moment to live in the moment. Breathe in some fresh air. Tell someone how much you appreciate them.

The unknowns of the future have the ability to quench the beauty of now. Don’t miss today in your search of tomorrow.

Photo by Adrian Pelletier on Unsplash