Musings: Loving Your Job

There’s something beautiful about not hating the work you do.

So many people complain about their job and wash it away with alcohol over the weekend. They look at the main part of their life as negative and never seek to better it, because “doesn’t everyone hate their job?”

But it’s different when you love the work you do.

The biggest key to loving work is truly appreciating the model and vision of the company you work for. If you don’t agree with the core of what a business is, why are you working for them in the first place? You’ll never be able to throw yourself into your work if you are compromising yourself and your own ideas.

Besides, your job takes up a good majority of your waking hours. Why would you spend that time working at something you can’t wholeheartedly do?

The second aspect of loving your work is being able to impact the world around you. Are you creating value for other people?

If you fall into the hum-drum of a schedule that ‘s always the same, there’s a good chance that you aren’t finding enough value to create around you.

It makes it much easier to love your job if you can see the impact you have. If you don’t see it, change your method of approach and make the conscious choice to make a difference. This difference could be as small as sending a coworker a thank-you note. Do whatever it takes to make a positive impact on someone’s life, and you’ll be surprised how much more you love your job.

Finally, if you know you are creating value and you can embrace your job’s core purpose, sometimes all it takes is finding what you love. Many times people focus so hard on the negativity around them that they forget there are positive aspects to the things they dislike.

If you don’t love your job, find something you do love. (If there isn’t anything, you shouldn’t be doing that job.) Make a list of the things you appreciate, even if they are small. Start focusing on the positive aspect of your work, and you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to love what you do.

It’s not worth hating what you do, because if you can’t do it wholeheartedly, you’re wasting your life.