Day 8: My Favorite Spare Time Activities

Work Copied: Pride and Prejudice Chapter 9

In Pride and Prejudice, every woman was expected to be accomplished in certain select leisure activities. Today, spare time fun varies more. Here are my favorite things to do when I am not working:

  1. Read. This one comes and goes. Sometimes I have much more time to read than others. I constantly consume content, but it’s not always in the form of reading. However, when I get a good book, I’m glued to it.
  2. Play Music. I love any musical instruments and I’ll often be found with a ukulele or a violin. Otherwise, I spend time at the piano or any other instrument that happens to be around.
  3. Table Games. My family has always thrived on spending time in some good competition. My favorites change often, but right now I love Scattergories, 3-13, Quirkle, and
  4. Making Cards. I love breaking out my crafty side once in awhile. I prioritize sending handmade cards and letters to people I know, and it’s fun to let my creative side flow through a simple activity.
  5. Woodworking. I haven’t had as much experience as some of my siblings, but give me a piece of wood, a sander, and some stain, and I’ll entertain myself for hours.
  6. Taking walks. Actually, walks have sentimental value to me because that’s what I have done most of my life to spend time with my mother. They are also my favorite way to clear my head if I need a break. It’s amazing what a short walk will do for your ideas!

This list varies over time, and it’s not like these are my only leisure activities. But that doesn’t change my love for spare time!