Day 17: Musings on Vision

What is vision? I define it as the ability to see something that others can’t.
In a deeper sense, to have vision is to have a goal for the future that is so deep in your core that it can’t be separated from who you are.

Recently I watched The Greatest Showman and it struck me that this story, in its purest sense, is about a man who had vision for the future. He built on his vision throughout his life, realized more of what it meant as time went on, made a couple mistakes, but came back in the end to his original goal.

Vision will have costs. You will give up all you have sometimes for what you believe is right, but a man with vision cannot be stopped.

In retrospect, and I quote Solomon: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” -Proverbs 29:18

Don’t be afraid of the dreams that are in the core of your being. Search your soul and find the deep purpose for your life. You’ll be surprised how fulfilling it is, even if you give your entire life for your vision.