Day 13: Delete Distraction

So many distractions today keep us from our true purpose.

Thousands of people are wondering why they get nowhere in life. Then the next notification pops up on their phone, and they become glued to the dopamine rush of interaction with technology.

Or, they put aside a project that they enjoy to spend unnecessary time watching television.

I’m not insinuating that technology is the only distraction in the world. Neither am I saying technology is bad. I am only stating that in today’s world, there are more distractions than ever before.

The bright side is, there are also many more opportunities. The rise of entrepreneurship followed technology, and it is possible now to impact hundreds of people with your ideas and creations.

Why isn’t the majority of the population impacting anyone, then?

Glad you asked. With immense opportunity comes the need to be extremely intentional.

Find your purpose and cling to it. Set your goals and stick to the path you set out on. Be intentional. Recognize that you have the ability to change the world for good if you only delete the distraction around you and blaze on!