6 Things I Learned from Facing Tragedy

Tragedy changes a person, no matter how you look at it.

It can harden your heart or tear it to shreds. It makes you seek the comfort of people one moment and loathe their company the next.

Many times people use the tragic situations in their lives as crutches to excuse their behavior. Instead of focusing on the hard part of tragedy, I am reflecting on the lessons I have learned because of facing tragic situations.

  1. I have learned that no matter your situation, there is someone in the world that has it harder than you. This realization taught me not to pity myself, and to face life head on even if it’s hard.
  2. I have found that I am stronger than whatever comes my way. That’s something you don’t understand to a deep level unless you have faced a heartbreaking situation.
  3. I have learned to appreciate the little moments. I don’t take anything or anybody for granted anymore.
  4. I have learned that it’s always worth it to give everything you have. You don’t have nearly as many regrets if you make the choice to
  5. I know that it’s not worth the energy to wallow in hurt. Getting back up and making your best attempt at life will always heal you faster than feeling sorry for yourself.
  6. I empathize with others who have gone through tragedy. I can understand the deepest level of the pain of loss, because I have walked that road. It gives me the ability to understand others and help them grow through the process of their lives.

Whether a tragedy takes you down or grows you is your choice. In the height of pain, it’s hard to feel like it will ever get better. But I can promise there is light at the end of the tunnel.