Entrepreneurship vs. Schooling with Taylor King: Season 1 Episode 11

Taylor King is a videographer and marketer who started his own company, Apple E-Z, at 17 years old. He left film school to pursue his passion outside the confines of the classroom. He specializes in creating vertical videos, which are becoming popular for brands on Instagram. One of his latest videos featured basketball star Anthony Davis! You can see some of his work here.

School puts you in a mindset where you’re waiting on that assignment. But that assignment never comes in real life. -Taylor

What is school teaching everyone? Is a standardized approach really the best way to prepare kids for life?
Taylor takes more of an entrepreneurial view toward education:

Life works by finding a problem on your own, and saying, “I’m going to find a solution for this.” And that’s when you get paid for things. -Taylor

He believes that running his own company compensated for the task-oriented schooling he received.

Meet other people who are likeminded, and learn from them. Taylor says this is the key to succeeding outside the traditional system.
When you’re not around passionate people, it sucks the life out of you. Be intentional about the people who you surround yourself with.

Taylor’s website: http://taylorking.co/
The Youtube Video I referenced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B1CLGek1nM&t=10s