Date-Cran-Almond Bars

I came across a recipe the other day for date-cranberry-almond protein bars, and I was intrigued. I love dates, and any food that contains them deserves a re-creation!

Dates have been a healthy delicacy for years in Israel and other Middle Eastern countries. They are so sweet you feel like you must be cheating! Anytime I get sweet cravings, dates are my go-to snack. Because the sugars are natural, they don’t throw your blood sugar levels around like many other treats, instead giving you a balanced energy boost.

Many dried cranberries have added sugar.  I used craisins that I bought in bulk at Sam’s. But if you are looking for a completely healthy alternative, Bob’s Red Mill sells no-sugar-added dried cranberries.

Date-Cran-Almond Bars


  • 1 cup almond slices
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup dates, pitted
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup honey (optional)

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend. Remove from the blender and pack into an 8″x8″ pan lined with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, then cut into small bars. Store in the refrigerator.